Shchepkin V. V., Kartashov K. M. Ritual and Law: Reception of Adam Laxman’s expedition in Japan // Russian Japanology Review. Vol. 1. Moscow: «AIRO-XXI», 2018. P. 149–158.
The factual head of the Japanese government, Matsudaira Sadanobu, declared
the ritual and the law as the foundation for receiving Adam Laxman’s expedition,
the first russian mission to Japan. The article attempts at understanding the
meaning he ascribed to those notions through the lens of several sources related
to Laxman’s expedition. PDF-файлы Полный текст статьи
Ключевые слова Лаксман, Адам Кириллович Мацудайра Саданобу отношения российско-японские