Abdullaeva F. [Review:] ‘Ajā’ib al-Dunyā (Wonders of the World). Critical text, Russian translation from Persian, introduction, commentary and indices by L. P. Smirnova. Moscow: Nauka Publishing House, 1993, 540 pp. – Literary Monuments of the Orient, LXXXIII // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 1, No 3, December 1995. P. 68.
The publication is a volume of the well-known series. The
work under review comprises preface. critical text. Russian
translation of the text. commentary to the translation and
supplements including: 1. Abbreviations; 2. Bibliography;
3. Index of geographical and ethnic names; 4. Index of
persons; 5. Index of subjects; 6. Abbreviations used in the
Persian text; 7. Summary...
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