Petrosyan I. [Review:] Stefano Carboni. Following the Stars: Images of the Zodiac in Islamic Art. The Metropolitan Museum of Art. New York: 1997, 48 pp. // Manuscripta Orientalia. Vol. 3. No. 2. June 1997. P. 71—72.
Though the Catalogue under review that was published in
conjunction with the exhibition “Following the Stars: Images
of the Zodiac in Islamic Art”, held at the Metropolitan
Museum of Art in New York from February 4 through
August 31, 1997, is not voluminous, it is none the less of
great interest for many specialists in the field of Islamic art
and culture. Taking into account that the principle domain
of interests of Manuscripta Orientalia covers a vast range
of manuscript heritage investigation, including Oriental
iconography as represented in Oriental manuscripts, the
Catalogue, despite its special role to be a guide to the exhibition's items, could make service to the journal's readers,
since it represents a valuable piece of scholarship. Needless
to say, the compilation of a guide to the exhibition of
Islamic art has always been the task that requires great
knowledge in many fields of Oriental studies. In my view.
the author has demonstrated his vast erudition in describing
most precious items of Islamic art represented at the exhibition and in presenting a comprehensive survey of Oriental
astrology in general...