Diakonoff I. M. [Review:] Women in Old Babylonian Ur (In connection with: Marc van de Mieroop. Society and Enterprise in Old Babylonian Ur. Berliner Beiträge zum Vorderen Orient, Bd 12. Dietrich Reiner Vertagt Berlin 1992) // Петербургское востоковедение. Выпуск 7. СПб.: Центр «Петербургское Востоковедение», 1995. С. 629—632.
This is the third book devoted to the
description and analysis of the society of
Old Babylonian Ur: the first was D. Charpin’s
Le clergé d'Ur au siécle d'Hammurabi
(Genève — Paris), 1986, and the second
was my own Men of Ur (Lyudi goroda
Ura), Moscow 1990. The text of my book
was actually ready in the early ’80ies but
lay for a long time with the publisher, so
I was able to insert a few references to
Charpin at the stage of proof-reading.
Unfortunately, according to the current
rule «Rossica non leguntur», there is only
one single quotation from my book in
M. Van de Mieroop’s study, although he
does quote fragments of the book which I
did publish in English, and thus he could
profit from at least some of my observations...
15 мая 2024 г. (среда) в 14:00 состоится расширенное заседание Ученого Совета, на котором будут заслушаны шесть выступлений по теме «Востоковедение: учителя и ученики».